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East Carolina University

107 Main Campus Student Center 501 East 10th St. | Greenville, NC 27858 | 252-328-4235 | wittenborne22@students.ecu.edu | fsl.ecu.edu


ECU IFC Fraternity Recruitment

  Spring 2025 IFC Fraternity Recruitment

     The formal recruitment process is strongly encouraged. This is an opportunity for men to meet all of the fraternities within IFC and then make decisions of who they would like to get to know further and join. This process takes place in early September 0f the fall semester and the end of January for spring. All prospective participants must register through the online registration system that can be found within the ECU Greek Life website. A participant’s eligibility will be based on his most recent completed academic semester, whether that be graduating from high school or ending a collegiate academic semester. To be eligible to join, men coming from High School must have an unweighted 2.75 High School GPA. If men are currently enrolled in college, they must have a unweighted 2.60 cumulative GPA based on 12 or more credits. We will not round up or make exceptions for those who are below this standard and will not refund your registration cost should you still choose to register.

Please check @ecuifc on Instagram for any updates

If you have questions, feel free to DM the Instagram account or contact grantr23@students.ecu.edu